Monday, October 18, 2010

Bom Sabado! a new Orkut worm

Orkut infected with a new Worm Bom Sabado (Good Saturday).

If you open any infected profile it will run a script which will join you some communities. And will send scraps saying "Bom Sabado" with an Iframe which have the scripts. to all the contacts to all your friends.

So even you open the orkut it will affect your account too , since the latest scraps are showing on your profile.

To stop this the current option is to block,, which have the hosted scripts. this is not a assured block since the worm may host the script in some other address, then again you will get affected by this worm.

Best way is to run the orkut by disabling the Javascript.

So what I prefer to do is not Log in to Orkut for 2 or 3 days, by that time Orkut will come up with any solution for this Bom Sabado! Orkut virus.